About the Vastest Sea

“In the beginning, there was only Xarrodddegnon. At the end, lies only Xarrodddegnon. All things in the Vastest Sea were birthed from its lips and will return there to be consumed. That is the only constant in our expansive, terrifying, and wonderful cosmos.” - Ziiqo, Qliiqla philosopher

The Vastest Sea is a wide and sprawling network of star systems, filled with all manner of whimsical creatures and incomprehensible beings. It is a universe where the minds of gods are not only rigorously mechanically defined, but even constitute their own planes of existence. Worlds sprout from a single Root, birth all manner of gods and mortals, and eventually return to nothingness.

But between the birth of worlds and their subsequent death, development and change reign. At times this change is peaceful, at others it is most devastating. Conflict arises in every corner of the cosmos, from problems as small as struggling to survive in a dangerous city, to issues as grand as interplanetary warfare and the bickering of deities.

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